
0003: Wayne Wonder: No Letting Go

When I first heard this song, I was tossed, dancing with a gorgeous girl on a packed dancefloor. Something about the beat is primal - the synth, the drums, the hand claps, I don't know what it was. I don't know if it was the alcohol that tweaked my senses, but dancing to this song, with that girl, was amazing. I think vodka makes me sexy.

Listening to it now, it certainly withstood the test of time time. It's nearly six years old and it still sounds great, sober or drunk.

And the girl I was dancing with? I still see her often nowadays. And she's still gorgeous, and very lovely. 

I wasn't THAT drunk.

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with you this song! It definitely brings me back to my days at the ROW : ] bitter sweet.
